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Select Board Meeting Minutes 4/4/18
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 4/4/18

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler

Also in attendance: Peter Kolodziej, Steve Nelson, John Szablowski, Peter Chait, Kay Purcell, Don Coburn, Roy Carwile, Dennis Lynch, Shawn Tryon, Alison Dixon, Kyle Pierce

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • The Board met with Steve Nelson and the town’s health agent, Peter Kolodziej discuss the Monterey General Store’s septic system.  The original design (2002) included a bedroom upstairs (which has never been utilized) and 12 seats in the store.  The system has always functioned properly and never exceeded its flows.  Peter explained that things have changed since 2002 and there may be options for expanding the seating.  Peter and Steve discussed a few options that with some modifications could increase capacity and double seating all while staying within the confines of the code.  Questions were asked about combining systems for the library, store and other neighboring properties; those are all possibilities and could increase the seating even more.  Peter also noted that the current library septic design if changed to a jet bat system could save the library a considerable amount of money.
  • Kay Purcell, Chair of the Council on Aging (COA) came in to discuss the following:
a.  Median age of the current appointed members is mid-70’s.  Most are reaching the end of their terms and do not plan to accept a reappointment; new members need to be sought out.  Kay plans to offer her assistance to stay on thru July.  Julio will not seek reappointment.  Regionalization and paid staffing were discussed.  Kay suggests that new members or paid staff should have experience with computers and budgeting in addition to having an empathetic personality.
b.  Budget: Kay recommends better communication about the goals of the COA and the Finance Committee.
c.  Grants: Record keeping hasn’t been smooth.  The COA needs someone that can stay on top of this; Terry Walker has experience and is willing to take this over with the Select Board’s approval.
d.  Expanding the eligible jobs under the senior tax work off program.
e.  Safety and emergency preparedness: continuing and expanding the well-being phone calls, increase regularity and make more neighborhood connections.
f.  Housing: continue researching possibilities.
g.  COA wish list: designated space with storage, a place to use with a kitchen, stove, bathroom and shower.
The Board will review and follow up on these suggestions.
  • The Board met with Dennis Lynch about the following:
a.  MVP Climate Change Grant Plan process has been moving along well and the June 23rd deadline will be met.
b.  604b Lake Garfield Watershed Study – the Lake Garfield Working Group has met with Ken Wagner and alternatives have been offered to deal with phosphorous loading in the lake.
c.  There is a 319 grant available to get funding to help implement the 604b recommendations.  It is due the beginning of June and will be released later this week.  The Board granted Dennis permission to pursue this grant.
d.  He also sought permission to attend a free workshop this Friday.  The Board approved and requested a summary from the workshop.
  • Alison Dixon from the Housatonic Valley Association came in to discuss a health assessment of the Konkapot that they will be performing, with recommendations for future projects and any concerns.  Alison requested that someone from the town be a co-signer on a letter that will go out to all property owners along the Konkapot as the assessment might require walking on their properties.  The Board unanimously agreed to have the letter sent out on town stationary and also suggested making use of the Monterey News and our weekly town update emails.
  • Kyle Pierce, Monterey Representative of the Lake Buel Preservation District came in to discuss the commercial marijuana project proposed in New Marlborough and the effect the District believes there will be on Monterey property values.  The District states that the project would be seen from the lake; the Board questioned this as you cannot see the lake from the proposed site and asked if there were any renderings shown during the proposal.  They are requesting the Select Board support their efforts and publicly oppose the project.  The Board did not have enough information to support the letter the District was requesting be signed but agreed to draft something that supports the full process of vetting the project and making a decision.
  • Shawn Tryon, Director of Operations came in to discuss the following:
a.  Terry Walker is working on submitting the culvert grant for Sandisfield Rd.  One issue that has come up that we were not aware of initially is that projects need to be shovel ready; Shawn is seeking permission to have Berkshire Geo-technologies to start the permitting process ($6-8k).  The Board gave permission to continue the grant application, however wants 2 other estimates for the permitting costs before agreeing to an engineer.  Shawn will pay for this out of his capital budget once an engineer is hired.
b.  Original landfill/brush: Shawn requested permission to hire an excavator through our heavy equipment bid to assist the highway department with completing this project to be in full compliance with DEP.  The Board approved and requested that Shawn also get estimates for planting trees on the berm we created.
c.  Curtis Rd Bridge: There is $92k available right now to begin the permitting process, and the construction work can begin after July 1 when funds expected to be approved at town meeting will be available.  The engineer has begun filing the necessary paperwork with the Conservation Commission.  
  • Draft copies of the town meeting warrant, budget and letter to be sent with the warrants were reviewed and approved.  Counsel has been sent the warrant and as of today has not had any modifications.  A motion was made to place a question on the ballot excluding the loader from proposition 2 ½.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  • The Board reopened the discussion regarding the FY19 transfer station sticker fee.  After taking into account that we still have loan payments remaining and that lowering our estimated revenues could have a negative impact on setting the tax rate, a motion was made to reconsider dropping the FY19 sticker price and keep it at the current $70 per year.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
  • Kenn requested permission from the other Board members to begin a conversation with the Director of Operations and Administrative Assistant with regard to the relationship and use of services provided by direct relations to employees, to continue to be sure we are properly handling these and not putting anyone at risk ethically.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 2/16/18 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:37am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk